How to Get Ripped Fast

To have a world class fitness body, you must be muscular of course, symmetrical and balanced, and have a well defined six-pack, but most importantly, you have to get ripped and shredded to the bone! If you do not know how to get ripped fast, then we are about to discuss how weight training, proper nutrition and aerobic exercise will assist in getting a ripped, beach worthy body by next summer.

Determine Where You Are Starting Before You Start To Get Ripped

If you do not have the ripped body of your dreams than you are either one of two people:

1. The 'big guy' at the gym who looks huge in clothes but has no muscle definition when the shirt comes off. You are training like a bodybuilder, eating in a caloric surplus, getting stronger and bigger each week but would never win a fitness model show because of your excess body fat.

2. Or, are you the 'skinny guy' who thinks he is ripped because your veins are popping out of your tank top, but have no muscle mass to support your frame. Sure, your veins make you look 'ripped' to the bike club but this false sense of 'big' would only get you laughed off a bodybuilding stage.

To get ripped, you must determine whether you need to start leaning down through a fat loss program or else add muscle mass with a bulking program. You cannot be ripped if you are lacking muscle mass or lacking muscle definition. Don't chase both goals at once. I will address how both categories can learn how to get ripped fast with weight training, nutrition, and cardio.

How To Get Ripped With Weight Training
  • Skinny guys should train less than 45 minutes each workout.
  • Skinny guys should focus on only compound movements and no isolated movements.
  • Skinny guys should focus on getting stronger by 5% every two weeks.
  • Skinny guys should do no more than 1-2 forced reps to avoid wasted energy.
  • Skinny guys should have there body parts split up into a maximum three day program.
  • Bulky guys can train from 1 hour to 1 and ½ hours for the extra caloric expenditure.
  • Bulky guys can incorporate more isolated movements for caloric expenditure.
  • Bulky guys should still maintain their strength which will ensure no muscle loss.
  • Bulky guys can include drop sets and pre-exhaust sets for the extra energy expenditure.
  • Bulky guys can spend more time per muscle group and split their body parts over 5 days.

How To Get Ripped With Nutrition
  • Skinny guys should be eating about 15 x their current body weight in calories for muscle mass.
  • Skinny guys should eat at least 1- 1.5 grams of protein per pound of lean muscle mass.
  • Skinny guys should be eating at least 2x as many carbs as proteins.
  • Skinny guys should be getting high quality fats with each meal.
  • Skinny guys should be getting extra calories through workout nutrition drinks.
  • Skinny guys should have their largest meals at breakfast, pre-workout, and post-workout.
  • Skinny guys should be eating large quantities of oatmeal, whole grains, potatoes, and rice.
  • Bulky guys should be eating about 10 x their current body weight, in calories, for fat loss.
  • Bulky guys should eat at least 1 - 1.5 grams of protein per pound of lean muscle mass.
  • Bulky guys should eat a 1:1 ratio of proteins to carbs in the day.
  • Bulky guys should only eat healthy fats like flax oil, olive oil, nuts, and avocado's.
  • Bulky guys should only consume liquid carbs during the workout.
  • Bulky guys should consume carbs only in the form of veggies and fruits.

How To Get Ripped With Cardio
  • Skinny guys should only do cardio if there caloric intake is in a 1000 calorie surplus.
  • Skinny guys should keep their cardio workouts as far away as possible from their weights.
  • Skinny guy should keep their cardio workouts less than 20-30 minutes.
  • Skinny guys should do cardio no more than 2 - 4 x a week.
  • Skinny guys should perform cardio on a full stomach.
  • Skinny guys should have a protein-carb workout drink ready after the workout.
  • Skinny guys should avoid long, endurance-style training.
  • Bulky guys should do there cardio immediately after weights.
  • Bulky guys should do a mixture of long, slow cardio and interval cardio.
  • Bulky guys can do cardio up to 7-10 x a week in extreme cases.
  • Bulky guys should do cardio on a empty stomach for quicker fat loss.
  • Bulky guys should sip on a protein drink to avoid muscle loss.

There you have it. Now you know how to get ripped fast, whether you are a skinny or bulky. ----------------------------------

Did you find this useful, find out more from Vince DelMonte, the author of No Nonsense Muscle Building: Skinny Guy Secrets To Insane Muscle Gain found at

Six-Pack Abs - How To Get Six Pack Abs

One of the most popular requests among people in the gym is to get six pack abs. There is no doubt about it, obtaining this elusive goal not only takes hard work, but also demonstrates that you clearly know what you are doing in the gym. Learning how to getsix pack abs is definitely not the easiest thing in the world but it's also not the hardest, as long as you follow the right steps.

So, what should you be doing to get results?

1. Focus on your diet.

Without a clean diet, six pack abs will never be yours. One thing you must realize is that while exercise is important, it's only going to take you so far. No matter how many crunches or sit-up variations you perform, if you've got a solid layer of fat covering your stomach, your muscles are not going to be seen.

Try and focus on consuming enough protein to keep your appetite under control, supplemented with healthy fats for satiety and fruits and veggies for energy. It is important, however, that you are running a calorie deficit, because regardless of the food you eat, if you are consuming more than you burn off that day, you aren't going to lose weight.

2. Perform a variety of exercises

Next up on your quest for getting six pack abs, you need to make sure you change up the exercises you perform on a regular basis.

While it's fine if you have some that you generally like to stick with as you really feel it when you do them, try and alternate between at least a few from week to week.

The main reason for this is because your abdominal muscles adapt to change very quickly. As soon as they are finished adapting, you are going to stop seeing results - this is the truth about six pack abs.

By keeping them guessing as to what's coming, you keep the results coming as well. Don't make the mistake of doing the same boring workout, day in, day out.

3. Get Your Cardio In Line

Finally, step three for getting a nicely chiseled stomach is performing cardio properly. This isn't to say you should run out and start doing hours upon hours on the treadmill. We aren't aiming to turn you into a hamster here.

All you really need is a few quality sessions of cardio work a week. What's high quality? Sprint sessions. Skipping. Hill running. Anything your body is not efficient at.

Yes, these are going to be much more intense than plodding along at a moderate pace while you read the fitness magazine of the week, but trust me, you will get results a thousand times faster.

Crank that intensity up for twenty to forty seconds and then back it down again for another minute. Repeat this process eight to ten times and you'll have a workout that'll shed that body fat in no time.

So, next time you're admiring your physique in the mirror and are still longing for a better mid-section, take these three factors into consideration and you'll discover this is the truth about six pack abs.
You can learn more about how Your Six Pack Quest at from Vince Delmonte himself.He specializes in helping chubby guys and gals get six pack abs without gimmicks, supplements or uneasy dieting.

A few Tips for better body building workout.


These body building tips are very important to your success because in addition to making almost all body building programs much better, they will also help you to prevent common injuries that a lot of bodybuilders suffer from.

When it comes to body building or any physical activity you have to be ready for the possibility of an injury and do everything possible to prevent one from occurring in the first place.

If you train in a way that you are puts you at risk you may never achieve your desires. Any injury even one that is very minor can reduce the effectiveness of your body building programs and may even prevent you from training if severe.

Here are a few tips on how to prevent such injuries and how to recover if you happen to sustain an injury:

They work well for both beginners and advanced trainers.

1: Prevention:

This cannot be over emphasized. In getting your required muscles, You can prevent most injuries from occurring in the first place. Always go to the gym with a plan in mind, and concentrate on your routine or workouts. Many times, lack of concentration causes a lot of accidents in the gym.

If you're just moving from one exercise to another with plan in mind you will likely have an accident and consequently injure yourself.

For example, if you always work your quadriceps (the muscles on the front of your thigh) and don't work your hamstrings (the muscles on the back of your thigh) in the same manner, you will create a muscle imbalance.

You will have one stronger muscle pulling against a weaker muscle. In this case, you will likely injure you knee.

In general terms, prevention is the best medicine

2: Don’t forget to warm up:

In building muscles fast, make sure you warm up before any exercise each time you go to the gym. Irrespective of the type of workout you are doing, Endeavour to warm up first.

Start by doing a few minutes of light cardio work on a stationary bike or treadmill. Then, before each exercise take about 40% of the weight you will make use of and do a couple sets of around 11-13 reps.

3: Stretching:

For best results, I advice you do your stretching at the end of your workout. The more flexible you are the less likely you are to get injured during an exercise like a lift. And it helps to decrease the time of recovery incase you get injured.

4: Use specific supplements.

There are some body building supplements available that may help to strengthen joints, repair minor injuries and get you back on your body building programs much quicker. Such will enhance recovery and support your body building efforts

These tips above are basic but they are also very important. Try out these strategies and see the difference it can make in your quest for larger muscles. For more information on how you too can build large muscle mass in no time Click Here!

Welcome to my blog

Hi guys and gurls, i'm going to be sharing with you several quality ways to build large muscles within the shortest possible time. From what you'll learn here, You do not need to train all day, you do not need to starve yourself unnecessarily etc. Enjoy your stay and I wish you your heart desires..
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